Just now went to The-Re's blog and watch this music video and in the music video's intro was that it written:
“The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise” -Alden Nowla
Isnt it amazing? I still trying to figure out the true meaning. Is really difficult to figure out. But to me, I felt this way: If the child realised that adults are perfect or have high expectation in adults, it mean that the child is immature because inside their heart, they can do better than the adults. But when the day the child know what is the true meaning of forgiveness and understanding, they become an adult.
Others view from the net:
1) “Growing up is never easy. You hold on to things that were. You wonder what's to come. But that night, I think we knew it was time to let of what had been, and look ahead to what would be. Other days. New days. Days to come. The thing is, we didn't have to hate each other for getting older. We just had to forgive ourselves... for growing up.”
2) "If you're gonna screw up, do it while you're young. Older you get, the harder it is to bounce back."
3) "You wake up but not really. In the bedroom you grew up in. It's the only place on this entire planet that is yours. The only place on the planet that understands you. It understands the way your nerves flare everytime you think about talking to anyone, scared into shyness at thought of your mouth but the way you are the best hypocrite around when you're in front of a microphone. It knows what turns that switch on and off and on again. It understands the way when you don't have to smile on your face everyone only spits: "what's wrong" and "you looked tired". So the way you keep it on your face just wide enough to avoid questions. It understands how neurotic you become, the way you treat your flaws like old friends. The way you look in the mirror and think of yourself as "Mr. Misery"..."
What do you guy think? I know is just kinda silly but these quoting just imprinted in my mind and I cant stop thinking abt it.
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