Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Wow.. I really received lot of christmas gifts from lot of people. I felt happy and great. Thanks, guyz. Mm. I also wanna buy gifts for people. But got finanical problem going on at home. Cant get anything for you guyz. So sorry abt that. Probably next year. And now my mummy wants me to save money everytime. She called me try not to go out as often as before. So that can save more money. Mmm.. I understand all these. I also want to get myself a job, so that I can help my parents with finanical but my dad wants me to focus on 'N' level first. Called me not to worry for him. But how to make me not to worry? Sigh. Ha. Pray then. Lol. Coz prayer works!! And now Im thinking to do lot of things next year, so that I also can expend my brain a bit. Lolx.

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