Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last night, party till like one dog at Double O with Mei Hui!!! Lol. Kidding. Well. I enjoyed the music last night. It was damn good. Yea. As usually, I dont dance but drink. At first, I didnt want to go but cos.... Mei Hui want to enjoy due to some issue lah. Fine. So I accompanied her loh. We went in to grab some drinks till we drink like MAD!!! In total, I had 6 shots (5 shots continuously), 2 1/2 half jugs and 1 bottle. 

Last night was a scene siol. I seriously I.G.N.T.S!!! One girl (a friend's friend) that I just happened to know less than 2hrs.... Ehhhh.. She got so so so drunk (kept saying never drunk and blah blah) and she started to....... me. Oh well... Let's not share on my blog, k? Hm. Ai. I just feel girls that cant drink are dumb!! I mean not that they are dumb but felt that if you cant drink then dont drink so much lah. Aiyo. NIGHTMARE LAST NIGHT!! 

So I woke up in the morning, having hangover but Im glad that I wasnt drank last night. Maybe 30-40%. Then I felt so uncomfortable and went to drank tons of plain water and I started merlion-ing non-stop. Hahahah. So FUN and SILLY to TORTURE myself at times. Hahah. So I went to take FTT(test mode) again and I FAILED!!! Arrgggghhh!!!!! MY LIFE!!! Ok. I cant focus today, my head was like... hanging... Hahhaa. Yeah.

After my test, I met up with Weiling to go to church. Lol. Before that we shopping, had lunch and just..... relax one corner. Lol. Yeah. I had a long day spending time with Weiling and had dinner with Pastor and some kids... Lol. 


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