My old connect group gave me a t-shirt and a card. Heehee. Nice. And my church leaders gave me an OP file. Ha. It really help me alot by putting my papers. Thank you! =)

After church, I went to Pamela's place. Her parents, younger sis and another of our good friend, Qing De celebrated for me. Pamela and Qing De put alot of effort and time to plan games and to cook what kinda of food for me. Ha. Qing De and she cooked some simple dish but is enough for me and is nice. And her mum and her sis said that, "How would we wish everyday Pamela can cook for us." I smiled at them and said, "maybe you can. just ask her." Haha. Tell you a little secret... Er.. Pamela is like a little princess at home and dont really do any house chores at home.
After dinner, we play TREASURE HUNT!!! Oh man. Her youner sis enjoyed it so much, cos she know where Qing De and Pam hid all the stuffs except ME!!!! (even her mum know where izit but she pretend till as if she dont know like tha loh. not fair!) Grrrr... Fed up!! Her sis and mum kept laughing at me. So weird loh. So how the treasure hunt is like.... I got to find the folded straws that is in heart-shaped around her house and there were 20 of THEM!!! Oh man. I almost went crazy!! Lol. And of cos, along the way, I received a few of presents. Yea. And to cut it short... I only found 17 of them and the unfound 3 of it causes me to do a FOREFIT!!! The forefit is that I have to learn piano and master the music piece she played. Her skill is at grade 8 and she played the very difficult piece for me and expect me to learn on the spot within in a min or so. Then I told her to change and she made me sing those high-pitch songs that I cant even reach. And it sound horrible loh. Eee.. SO MALU!!!
And then instead of cake, Pam made her own jelly to replace cake and join the jelly up into a smiley face and then I blow the candles etc etc.. And 3 of them said they are still not done with it yet and that they want to bring me somewhere and show me the last big present. Then I was like, "huh? i dont wanna play le." Then Qing De, Pam and her sis bought me to somewhere in between the living room n her room and they pull up window curtain (the present was behind the window) and I saw a big big frame and my jaw dropped. And inside my mind, I was thinking what can it be. So they bring it down for me and bring it to Pam's room and they wanted to get me to open it but I didnt want to and I told them to help me with it and I stood in front of the frame and stare at the frame and wonder what it is... And when Pam opened up.....I saw...... I saw... I saw.... SPIDERMAN 3 POSTER!!!!! OH MAN!!! My reaction was like Woah! Woah! and Woah..! I cant believe it and I walked out of her room, I guess I was too happy.
Then after everything finished, I went home with Qing De. Ha. He helped me take to the mrt station and when reached yishun station, he went off and left me with my BIG poster for me to take home and I was really carrying alot of thing with me. For example, my bag, my bass and poster. Lol. It was heavy but Im happy. Lalalalala...
To all my friends who celebrated for me, I really dont know what to say but I really wanna to say thank you for remembering my birthday and celebrate for me. Thank you for the time and effort that you all put in. Im so happy to have you all. =)